When I was a little girl, I said a prayer. I asked earnestly to never forget what it feels like to be a kid. I don’t know exactly what my thought process was at the time. (I was quite young.) But there was something I saw in the grown-ups around me that I KNEW I… Continue reading The Prayer
Tag: self care
It’s Okay To Go Slowww…
I went hiking for the first time in about a month. It was glorious! Being on the trail is like air to me. Too long away from it and I feel like I’m suffocating. As I began climbing the mountain, I felt a difference in my body. I set out to meet the trail in… Continue reading It’s Okay To Go Slowww…
I stood alone on the beach watching the sunset. It was magnificent. Did I mention I was alone? I began to contemplate lonliness. I’ve felt severe lonliness before. I’ve been depressed. I’m sad almost daily, at least for a moment. Standing there on the beach I asked myself, “Am I lonely, or sad? What is… Continue reading Alone.
Lunch: Just Food? Or An Act of Profound Self Love?
I had the most wonderful lunch! I took myself to my favorite Thai restaurant. I ordered things from the menu that I’d never tried before. (I have certain go-to dishes ordinarily) I enjoyed soup and even dessert. I sipped jasmine tea and finished the whole pot. It’s like it was my birthday or some other… Continue reading Lunch: Just Food? Or An Act of Profound Self Love?
Crying: How It Sucks and Why I Highly Recommend It
I’ve stopped wearing mascara on my lower lashes. It’s become a necessity since I started crying. All. The. Time. Seriously though, there are days when I have put on makeup and DURING application, tears would come. I would clean up my face and continue to apply makeup only to walk out of the bathroom and… Continue reading Crying: How It Sucks and Why I Highly Recommend It
WOW!! Lots of things have been shifting in my life this past month! In a way I feel like I am re-birthing myself. Maybe that sounds weird, but the truth is that SHIT IS HAPPENING!! (In a good way…) What I want to share with you about my experience is this: OPEN TO THE EXPERIENCE… Continue reading OPEN
Your Child Is ALREADY Good
I was walking to my car the other day and passed by a mother with her child of 2-3 years. They were sitting at a table finishing up what appeared to be their lunch. When I was a few yards away, the child quietly asked the mother for something, to go somewhere. The mother’s reply:… Continue reading Your Child Is ALREADY Good