The Prayer

When I was a little girl, I said a prayer. I asked earnestly to never forget what it feels like to be a kid. I don’t know exactly what my thought process was at the time. (I was quite young.) But there was something I saw in the grown-ups around me that I KNEW I… Continue reading The Prayer

Faith, Intention, and Focus

Maybe you’ve heard it before, or a million times… “What you focus on expands.” So whatever you put your attention on the most, you will get more of that. What does that really mean to you? I went through some dark times last year around this time. I experienced deep depression, and I couldn’t find… Continue reading Faith, Intention, and Focus

Leave It All On The Track

Not everyone knows this about me, but I LOVE TO DRIVE FAST! In high school, my friends called me Mario after experiencing my driving. Back then I was in a Toyota Celica hatchback, but I took it off-road sometimes, and pushed it to the limits in turns and everywhere else. I have fond memories of… Continue reading Leave It All On The Track


I stood alone on the beach watching the sunset. It was magnificent. Did I mention I was alone? I began to contemplate lonliness. I’ve felt severe lonliness before. I’ve been depressed. I’m sad almost daily, at least for a moment. Standing there on the beach I asked myself, “Am I lonely, or sad? What is… Continue reading Alone.


WOW!!  Lots of things have been shifting in my life this past month!  In a way I feel like I am re-birthing myself.  Maybe that sounds weird, but the truth is that SHIT IS HAPPENING!!  (In a good way…) What I want to share with you about my experience is this: OPEN TO THE EXPERIENCE… Continue reading OPEN