Lunch: Just Food? Or An Act of Profound Self Love?

I had the most wonderful lunch! I took myself to my favorite Thai restaurant. I ordered things from the menu that I’d never tried before. (I have certain go-to dishes ordinarily) I enjoyed soup and even dessert. I sipped jasmine tea and finished the whole pot. It’s like it was my birthday or some other… Continue reading Lunch: Just Food? Or An Act of Profound Self Love?

Crying: How It Sucks and Why I Highly Recommend It

I’ve stopped wearing mascara on my lower lashes. It’s become a necessity since I started crying. All. The. Time. Seriously though, there are days when I have put on makeup and DURING application, tears would come. I would clean up my face and continue to apply makeup only to walk out of the bathroom and… Continue reading Crying: How It Sucks and Why I Highly Recommend It


WOW!!  Lots of things have been shifting in my life this past month!  In a way I feel like I am re-birthing myself.  Maybe that sounds weird, but the truth is that SHIT IS HAPPENING!!  (In a good way…) What I want to share with you about my experience is this: OPEN TO THE EXPERIENCE… Continue reading OPEN

My Daughter, My Mirror

My daughter continues to be a perfect mirror for me. Yesterday, after hearing some “opinions” about her from another person, she began to ridicule herself, feeling really badly about who she is and what that person’s words mean about HER. As I was “coaching” her on how what others may say or think about her… Continue reading My Daughter, My Mirror

What Can You Expect From Working With Me?

I recently worked with an amazing soul.  It was really a privilege to share part of her journey with her.  I feel this way about each person I work with.  I truly feel honored when someone allows me into their “secret life” of fear, worry, dreams, ideas, joy and longing.  These are things that we… Continue reading What Can You Expect From Working With Me?


This is so good and I wanted to share it.  None of my commentary is necessary, but if you want to talk more about it, message me <3  

Don’t Do A Thing. Just Sit There.

“People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.”  ~Winnie the Pooh I have been getting LOTS of messages lately about being still and doing nothing.  E-mails, blog posts, Facebook updates, poetry, book titles I just “happen” to see, all pointing to one thing: DO MORE OF NOTHING. It’s a familiar concept to… Continue reading Don’t Do A Thing. Just Sit There.

Your Child Is ALREADY Good

I was walking to my car the other day and passed by a mother with her child of 2-3 years. They were sitting at a table finishing up what appeared to be their lunch.  When I was a few yards away, the child quietly asked the mother for something, to go somewhere.  The mother’s reply:… Continue reading Your Child Is ALREADY Good