
Earthquake Wisdom

This was a powerful experience I had a couple of months ago with my children.  I wrote about it in my journal but haven’t shared it.  Till now 😉 It is a beautiful example of how our kids can be our greatest teachers.  Enjoy! I fell asleep in Matthew’s bed.  After a short time, I

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Day After Year

I’ve been grieving.  My marriage of more than 15 years is over.  I am learning what it is to fall apart and face a blank slate with choices and fears and dreams.  It is miserable and magical.  (credit T Swizzle ;))  And I’m doing it with my kids.  So many lessons are being learned, about

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I am so sick of all the ‘rules’ that we think we must live by.  Eat this.  Don’t eat that.  Do this to be happy.  You must be thin.  You must be popular.  You must be smart, sexy, important, wealthy, NORMAL, happy, strong, successful, understanding, nice to others, at peace, on time, clean, polite, and



STRONG.   What do you think of when you read that? Do you feel strong every day? What does it mean to be strong?   Merriam-Webster defines Strong as: 1. having or marked by great physical power, 2. having moral or intellectual power, 3. having great resources (as of wealth or talent).   I think

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