All They Need Is Love (Ba Ba Duh Da Da…)

Yeah, the Beatles song is trailing through my head right now.  But that’s not what I want to talk about.

When you are struggling as a parent, no matter WHAT the situation or circumstance, ask yourself “What is my highest intention with my children?”  Then, get quiet (hopefully sitting still for a few minutes) and wait for the answer.  My hunch is that it will have something to do with LOVING them.  Always.

I believe this is one of the greatest aspirations for any parent: TO LOVE MY CHILD NO MATTER WHAT.

It’s not so easy at times!

This is just a reminder to ask what LOVE would do, when you feel yourself spinning out of control.  Then, do that.  Even if it contradicts what you did 2 minutes ago.  Take some deep breaths, step away if you need to (or lock yourself in the bathroom or closet for 5 minutes) and redirect yourself as if you would a small child.  You can always start again, in ANY moment.

Many bunches of love to you this day on your journey as a guide to smallish people 🙂

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