Still Point Yoga Coaching

The body is a magnificently intelligent creature. It is the animal we live in. The body holds memories in its tissues and responds to different stimuli based on past experiences. You’ve gone through this when you see an item or hear a song that reminds you of a painful relationship. You may feel sensation in a certain area of the body and/or be suddenly angry, scared, or want to run. Sometimes a visual memory accompanies these reactions and other times it can be confusing as to why it is happening (no memory). This is just one example of how the body speaks to us.

Yoga Coaching is a method of Life Coaching that uses the intelligence of the body to access, process, and heal from painful and traumatic experiences and beliefs that hold us back from attaining what we really want in life. This is the most powerful way to break through blocks leading to more joy, love, and success and an understanding that you are worthy and deserving of all your desires.

We begin a Yoga Coaching session with a grounding exercise and a “discovery” discussion to determine which of your challenges calls for attention. From there I will lead you in gentle restorative yoga poses or you will simply sit or lie in a comfortable position for the remainder of our time together. This time is yours and you will receive my undivided attention and commitment to your healing and growth. Each session unfolds organically based on what comes up and my job as coach is to guide you through the process. It is a sort of dance and we will follow the steps as they are revealed to us.

Anyone can do this work. No prior yoga experience is required and you do not need to be “flexible” (which is only a concept anyway). Yoga Coaching is not intended to be a physically demanding workout. We will discuss any physical limitations or injuries you have before we begin. In addition, we use props to ensure your physical comfort throughout the session. I encourage you to give me feedback about any physical stress or discomfort that may arise.

What does your body want you to know? What messages are waiting for you to uncover? What is holding you back from finding out? Are you ready…?

For more information or to book a Yoga Coaching session, click here:

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