What Can You Expect From Working With Me?

I recently worked with an amazing soul.  It was really a privilege to share part of her journey with her.  I feel this way about each person I work with.  I truly feel honored when someone allows me into their “secret life” of fear, worry, dreams, ideas, joy and longing.  These are things that we all share.  They are what connect us as human beings.  There is something magical that happens when two or more of us come together to share ourselves and grow together.  For that I am so grateful.

This beautiful human gave me permission to share this feedback with you about her experience of coaching with me.  I offer it in order to give you an idea of what it’s like to work with me as your coach.

Here you go:

1. What hesitations did you have about working with me? None really. I guess I hope you’d be easy to talk to…you were

2. What results have you achieved since we started working together? So much as changed! When I first starting working with you I was transitioning back into home life (after travelling for 6 months) and trying to make an unhealthy relationship work. I was trying to find a place to live and work on my business. Since working with you I have landed a dream job teaching Yoga on the beach in Nicargua leaving me plenty of time to work on my business. I live in a beautiful beach house and have left my unhealthy relationship. I’m still in what feels like a bit of a transition (although I suppose change is always present). I feel like things are coming together and my life is expanding in exciting new directions. I feel like I’m coming into alignment with my true-self more than ever and am ready to shine. Thank you!

3. What did you like best about working with me? You are really easy to talk to and have a spiritually that I admire. I see you as being highly intuitive, empathic and sensitive to others energy. You have a lovely way of seeing things as they really are (without the story ;))

4. How else have you benefited from our work together? I feel more confident and aware of my own beliefs both those that serve me and those that don’t. I’m looking at my triggers as an opportunity for growth…now more than I ever have.

5. Would you recommend me and my services? If so, why and to whom? Yes. To women in transition or looking to make a positive shift in their life.

6. Is there anything you would have liked to see done differently? If so, what? No

7. What’s the most important thing people should know about working with me? You’re the real deal

8. If there anything else you’d like to add? I’m so grateful for you offering so much of yourself to me. You came at the most opportune moment for me. I appreciate you hugely.

Nicky C Jones, Holistic Grief Coach, www.NickyCJones.com

By the way, Nicky is a kick-ass grief coach with a very bright light to shine in the world.  Check out her work on her website 🙂

Thank you again, Nicky.  Namaste.


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