The Prayer

When I was a little girl, I said a prayer. I asked earnestly to never forget what it feels like to be a kid. I don’t know exactly what my thought process was at the time. (I was quite young.) But there was something I saw in the grown-ups around me that I KNEW I… Continue reading The Prayer

Faith, Intention, and Focus

Maybe you’ve heard it before, or a million times… “What you focus on expands.” So whatever you put your attention on the most, you will get more of that. What does that really mean to you? I went through some dark times last year around this time. I experienced deep depression, and I couldn’t find… Continue reading Faith, Intention, and Focus

It’s Okay To Go Slowww…

Path Through The Forest

I went hiking for the first time in about a month. It was glorious! Being on the trail is like air to me. Too long away from it and I feel like I’m suffocating. As I began climbing the mountain, I felt a difference in my body. I set out to meet the trail in… Continue reading It’s Okay To Go Slowww…


I stood alone on the beach watching the sunset. It was magnificent. Did I mention I was alone? I began to contemplate lonliness. I’ve felt severe lonliness before. I’ve been depressed. I’m sad almost daily, at least for a moment. Standing there on the beach I asked myself, “Am I lonely, or sad? What is… Continue reading Alone.

The Quiet Place Between Here And There

How is it that I go from feeling immense gratitude and love, and the sense that all is well and perfect in my life… to writhing on my floor sobbing with no interest in going on at all? If you’ve got an answer, or a SOLUTION, I’d love to hear it! Cuz that is how… Continue reading The Quiet Place Between Here And There