rosie the riveterSTRONG.


What do you think of when you read that?

Do you feel strong every day?

What does it mean to be strong?


Merriam-Webster defines Strong as:

1. having or marked by great physical power,

2. having moral or intellectual power,

3. having great resources (as of wealth or talent).


I think that just describes every woman and girl I know!


What I know is that in order to connect with our strength, it is necessary to practice BEING in our strength.  What does that mean?  It means choosing situations and activities that strengthen you.  It also helps if you can avoid those that weaken you.


Think of a time in your life when you have felt the most strong.  Where were you?  What were you doing?  Who were you with?  Have you revisited that experience?  If you have, GOOD for you!!  If not, why not?


For me, I have spent a lot of time being afraid of my power, my strength.  Really, for stupid reasons, like fearing that I wouldn’t know what to DO with my strength.  What if I THINK I’m strong, but I’m really NOT?  God forbid I find out!  What if others see strength in me and they challenge it?  I’m not sure I’m up for that.


Of course we know that FEAR is “False Evidence Appearing Real”.  It is also our “lizard brain” trying to keep us safe by scaring us back into our boxes of “comfort”.


I went for a hike today.  I walked up and down a mountain.  I’ve done it before.  There aren’t words for the enormous power and strength I experience while I’m on the mountain.  I am at one with nature.  I feel on a deep level the immense strength of the mountain itself, as it supports me, shares its ruggedness and wildlife with me.  Gratitude and Love are automatic byproducts of this exchange.  I stop at times and stand in awe of it.  Then I look around at the surrounding mountains and the towns and valleys below and beyond.  It is truly magnificent!


This is the place from where we are called.  To do our work in this world, to create, to connect, to love, to inspire, to teach, to grow, to expand, to BE who we ARE.  No permission is necessary when you feel the power in you.  It is there.


Do whatever you need to do to have experiences like this.  Tap into your strength.  Own it.  Claim it.  LIVE in it.  BELIEVE in it.


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