WOW!!  Lots of things have been shifting in my life this past month!  In a way I feel like I am re-birthing myself.  Maybe that sounds weird, but the truth is that SHIT IS HAPPENING!!  (In a good way…)

What I want to share with you about my experience is this:


What does that mean to you?

For me, it began with a man I barely know (and 12 years younger than me) asking me on a date.  Now to most people this may seem fairly benign.  What’s the big deal?  FOR ME, it was a HUGE GROWTH OPPORTUNITY.  All my shit came up!  All my deeply held beliefs about romantic relationships, all my insecurities, a LOT of questions about what I want right now in my life, suddenly were all up in my face!

It took me 48 hours to realize that I was making myself CRAZY!!  Seriously.  Then through some brilliant coaching and advice from a couple of friends, I made the decision to OPEN to a conversation with this man.  I won’t fill you in on all the details that follow (he he he) but since that simple, small opening, other things have begun to move and flow into and through my life.

One thing that has happened is that I started jogging.  I DID NOT PLAN THIS.  My body woke me up one day insanely early (this does not usually happen without large crashing alarms and children screaming with blood running out of their ears).  Of course that was an exaggeration, but suffice it to say that I have never been a morning person.  However, I laid there wide awake for a while and then the slightest whisper inside me said, “Maybe I should go jogging”.  So I got up, put on my shoes (as Susan Hyatt would say) and went out in the dark to jog around my neighborhood.  It was the weirdest fricken thing EVER!  But you know what?  I haven’t stopped.  And I crave it now.  Go figure.

I have also gone back to my yoga practice.  Ahhh…..  Thanks be to God.  I am finding a renewed stillness and strength inside myself from claiming this gift again.  It also is a fantastic balance and compliment to my new jogging habit.

I have been eating cleaner, taking better care of myself and feeling really good.  I am watching myself opening to ideas and possibilities that I’ve never even considered before.  And LIFE and circumstances are supporting me at every turn.  People have been turning up to offer assistance when I need it.  Opportunities are showing themselves to me in new ways.  I am having more fun, which I didn’t even know was possible (I have a lot of fun).  My life has become a wild adventure ride and I cannot wait to find out what happens next!  All because I chose to explore One. Small. Opening.

I am not writing this to brag to you about how great my life is but to tell you what I’ve learned from all this.  If you find ANY opening, any opportunity, any “hmm” moment that calls you forward in a way that you didn’t expect, OPEN to it.  Allow yourself to explore what’s inside that space.  It might be a secret passageway to a whole new world for you.  You may find more of yourself, or a way to create what you REALLY want once and for all.  Or it could just be a fun ride that you enjoy for a while and then get off.

WHAT I KNOW is that whatever is in the opening, it is worth finding out!

OPEN.  I’ll see you on the other side <3

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