O Graceful Teachers

Today I found my peace.


I discovered a new nursery.  A nursery that specializes in native plants and trees that are not sprayed and that are native to our local environment.  It was the most beautiful place!  I wanted to sit on the edge of the path and stay there all day.  As I strolled slowly through every section of this place, I found myself stroking the plants and trees with my hands.  I especially enjoyed the softer feeling plants, such as the Partridge Feather and The GoldLeaf Tansy.  The Tansy also smells good :).  But, I was drawn to things that surprised me.  Like the succulents.  I lingered inside a greenhouse full of them, reaching for this one and that one, just to feel them.


At one point, I felt overwhelmed by the realization that I was surrounded by hundreds of living beings.  Yes, beings.  The plants (and trees) are the best teachers I know for how to just BE.  They are literally working and growing ALL THE TIME.  They never stop.  Yet they remain in a state of grace and peace all the while.  They don’t fret about the weather.  They don’t create stories about how they aren’t growing quickly enough, or that they aren’t the right shape or color.  They don’t compare themselves to other plants and trees and decide that they don’t measure up.  And they don’t live in fear that they could die or that a fire or other hazard might come calling.  They are steadfast in their purpose: to grow, to adapt, to reach toward the sun.  (Of course unless they are shade loving ;))


What if you were as devoted to your purpose as the plants and trees and took graceful action from a place of peace?  What could your life experience look like?  My hunch is that it might just come alive and become your own magical garden.

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