Not So Random Quote For The Day ;)

“It all works out in the end.  If it isn’t worked out, it isn’t the end.” ~Unknown


This has come up for me several times lately and I wanted to share it.  It has been my mantra for many days when I felt the heaviness of life upon me.  I completely believe this to be true.  I believe that we live in a friendly universe and that we are being supported and held in love at all times, even when, perhaps especially when, we feel overwhelmed and/or out of control.


What does this mean to you?  I’d love to hear your interpretation.  Please share in the comment section below.

And remember to KEEP BREATHING.

With LOVE <3

2 thoughts on “Not So Random Quote For The Day ;)”

  1. Carolina Van Stone

    I first heard the quote in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Perhaps the quote’s origination can be gleaned from that source. Such a fantastic movie. That statement serves to remind us of the impermanence of life and how potent we are in the moment, to “engage in the willingness of the unfamiliar.” Pam Houston in whitefish review: Art, Literature, Photography, Volume 7, Issue 1, Summer, 2013.

    Congrats to you Becky, I’ve thought of you often after meeting @ Starbucks in Los Osos when I picked up the Rocky Road that I won during a holiday fundrasiser/raffle.

    1. Becky_Richardson

      Thank you, Carolina 🙂 I don’t know how I missed your comment, but so good to hear from you. I hope all is well!

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