My Daughter, My Mirror

My daughter continues to be a perfect mirror for me. Yesterday, after hearing some “opinions” about her from another person, she began to ridicule herself, feeling really badly about who she is and what that person’s words mean about HER.

As I was “coaching” her on how what others may say or think about her has nothing to do with WHO SHE IS, I realized that


I received some feedback about my performance that was not favorable. I took it and ran with it, making myself feel insignificant, unworthy and small. I thought things like, “What’s the point?” and “Why bother?” and even “If I can’t do THIS right, I can’t do ANYTHING right.” I am grateful to my children for always showing up (always!) to reveal to me what I STILL need work on! We are all on a journey that never takes a break from offering us opportunities to learn. We are here to grow and become the best of ourselves. Each person and experience that comes along on this path is part of that growth process. They are all TEACHERS 

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