Faith, Intention, and Focus

Maybe you’ve heard it before, or a million times… “What you focus on expands.” So whatever you put your attention on the most, you will get more of that. What does that really mean to you?

I went through some dark times last year around this time. I experienced deep depression, and I couldn’t find a reason for doing anything. I struggled with thoughts about why I am even here. I felt there was no purpose in any of it. The after effect of that time was that I created a habitual way of thinking and looking at things. I created a lot of fear, a lot of insecurity, a lot of doubt. I didn’t like the way I was feeling but I also didn’t know how to shift it. The idea of “thinking positively” or repeating affirmations made me want to hide under the covers. I couldn’t FEEL any of the happy thoughts, so what was the use? I didn’t know how to get to that place where I could feel better.

It was a very slow process for me to find my way to where I am now. I won’t say “my way back” because I was in a forward movement. So I’m reflecting on a number of things that showed up on my path… and at one point, I chose to put faith and trust in that Law of Attraction adage. I decided to believe that it works. Then I deliberately began to put my attention on what I WANT in my life. This required much self-correction because I had become accustomed to dwelling on the things I wasn’t liking about my life. It was like a meditation. When the mind drifted to thoughts about what I didn’t like or want, once I noticed, I would guide myself back to “What do I want?” Over and over again.

What I’ve learned is that it is an ongoing practice. Also, it really DOES work. Like magic. Do you get everything you want overnight? No. As I said, it is a PRACTICE. But the more you practice, the more magic shows up. The more you believe and expect and surrender, the more magic you will see.

This week I pulled a spirit animal card and it was the Raven, symbolizing magic and owning your power. It said that with a proper mix of faith, intention, and focus, you can use the power of Spirit to bring anything into your life. We tend to deny that we are magical beings, but we are. The Raven just showed up to tell me to stop pretending and playing small, and to trust my abilities.

I am holding faith that all that I desire is already here and/or on its way. I am getting clearer about my intentions for what I want to create in this life. I am putting my focus on what I WANT, instead of what isn’t working for me. Little by little, day by day, I am seeing new people and opportunities show up. Without worrying about how things will get done, or how bills will get paid, they are getting done and being paid. It is an interesting experiment… one I highly recommend! Let me warn you that this isn’t the easiest way to move through life. It challenges me daily. However, I’ve made certain things non-negotiable, and it is making all the difference in the world.

I am so grateful for those people who have weathered these storms with me, and those who continue to provide support and LOVE in my life. I want to say thank you again and again to my good friend Matt, who consistently told me how to do this, and never gave up on me. I love you, Matt.

Do you want to learn how to use your own magic? Don’t think you have any? Do you want to get out of the cycle, of feeling trapped in a life that doesn’t make you happy? Call or message me and I will show you how and walk you through it.


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