Don’t Do A Thing. Just Sit There.

“People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.”  ~Winnie the Pooh

I have been getting LOTS of messages lately about being still and doing nothing.  E-mails, blog posts, Facebook updates, poetry, book titles I just “happen” to see, all pointing to one thing: DO MORE OF NOTHING.

It’s a familiar concept to me.  In fact, I have taught many other people to “be still” more instead of “doing” all the time.  I was inspired years ago to write a book on the importance of stillness, which I haven’t written….  Yet.

I have been told by coaches and mentors that I have an uncanny ability to get still, which on the whole is an extremely difficult task for most.  It used to be so natural to me that I didn’t see it for what it is: A Gift.

Well, today I am seeing that I have taken myself and my gift for granted.  I have not been practicing what I preach.  I have been living according to the belief that I must or “should” be DOING MORE than what I have been.

There is support for this idea everywhere I turn.  It is reinforced each time a loving family member asks if I’ve “found a job yet” or anytime someone asks “what I’m up to” or “how things are going”.  I search my socially-acceptable-story files, wanting to deliver to them an answer in a crisp, tidy package with a big bow.

The truth is that I’ve been dividing my time among these things: planning, grieving, resting, creating, working, noticing, laughing, sleeping, parenting, job-hunting, dreaming and business building.  Occasionally I throw in some crying, self-shaming, anger, tantrums, lethargy and depression for good measure.  All this while being the master of a home and raising two teenagers.

I guess I’ve been keeping busy.

And I haven’t been taking the time to really get still.

All those times I sat on the couch holding potato chips, staring out the window with a book in one hand and the TV remote in another, unfortunately don’t count.  Damnit.

I know, I know, I know the profound difference that a stillness practice makes in my life.  I know this.  Yet I catch myself up in all the stuff and I have been MISSING IT!!!  So…

I hereby recommit myself to a practice of stillness each day.  I do this to connect with and retain my peace, clarity and love of life.  When I give this gift to myself, I am a better mother, better friend and a better human BEING.

I implore you to join me.  Commit to spending 15 minutes doing nothing in silent stillness every day.  No activities and no interruptions or it doesn’t count.  Challenge yourself to 30 days or start with one week.  Whatever feels doable to you.

If you have questions about beginning a stillness practice or want some accountability, send a note to me or call me.  I would also love to hear how it goes when you get going with your nothingness, so comment or private message me and let me know.

Much love to you.  Thank you for reading.  I’m off to do nothing now 🙂


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