Day After Year

I’ve been grieving.  My marriage of more than 15 years is over.  I am learning what it is to fall apart and face a blank slate with choices and fears and dreams.  It is miserable and magical.  (credit T Swizzle ;))  And I’m doing it with my kids.  So many lessons are being learned, about life, love, responsibility, self, expectation, forgiveness.  Much is so raw right now that it’s challenging to frame it all in a neat piece of writing.  For now, I’m going to share a poem that I wrote yesterday just upon waking in the morning.  The words were there as I came out of sleep and I followed the simple directions and wrote them down.  Little did I know that it would set the stage for the rest of my day, which included melting down in front of my kids.  It was cathartic, cleansing.  I opened myself and my children opened in their own ways and we all moved forward together, and as individuals.  Whatever you may be grieving in your own life, I offer this, my heart and my love to you this day.  I was reminded by a dear friend yesterday that everything works out in the end.  If it isn’t worked out, then it isn’t the end.  Join me in breathing, and little by little taking steps toward the beautiful life that I KNOW is there beyond this pain.

Day After Year

“Breathe,” she told herself.

These such things are the ways of life

But she knew there was more.

Love more, laugh more, see the beauty

Mend the wounds

She accepted the burden of righting her wrongs.

Loneliness, emptiness, longing for more

Things she wanted to do and see

Fell away in sacrifice of better things to come

Which never came.

“Just over there, it’s close,” he vowed.

Day after year went by

The gold, the prize

Where freedom from fear lies

He did not see her

Waiting and dying

For him to come home.

Love he claimed for her was true

No other could compare

She wanted to believe

So promised herself again and again

Day after year

Heart and dreams in pieces

She chose to not go on

Heaviness and sorrow saw her pulling herself up

Truth came to the light and held her

The way he never could.

More breathing, with floods of tears

She feels it all

Facing today, tomorrow unknown

He has gone

Living her life with someone new

Just like that

All promises dissolved

She sees that what she’s fighted for

Had left her long ago.

Moments of beauty

Snippets of strength

Purpose, Love, Joy call to her

She will arrive

In perfect time.


8 thoughts on “Day After Year”

  1. So beautiful, Becky. What an inspiration you are for sharing this! I wish you peace and happiness – you clearly already have all the strength you need.

  2. Oh, Becky. I just ran across your site on Kimberly Dawn’s portfolio page, and skipped over to see what you were up to. Thank you so much for being so honest and transparent. It’s so good to read something real. I’m sorry you’re hanging out in the ring of fire right now, but I am so fucking proud of you for going on, with honesty, and openness with your kids. When my marriage of 11 years was over, it took a long time before I felt any desire/pleasure/happiness at all, but when I finally did–it was magical and new and led me to Martha Beck. Just wanted to give you a virtual hug. Love. Hadley

    1. Becky_Richardson

      Hadley, that means so much to me. Thank you. I have always seen you as a very bright light! 🙂
      I’m so glad you are checking out Kimberly’s work. She is a brilliant and compassionate human being.

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