Back To School, Back To Sick? No way!!!

With the start of school, many parents know that it is the beginning of the kids bringing home sniffles, coughs and other “unwelcome boogers” (pun intended) to share with the whole family.  Yes, it’s true that bugs and viruses love to follow the short people around, just waiting for the right time to invade!  We make it easy for them when we aren’t taking good care of our bodies and our well being.  This includes (especially) our children.


How do we keep those pesky critters away from our home and our families?

Well, ask yourself these questions:

1. Are my kids getting enough sleep?  Depending on their age, children need anywhere between 8.5 hours (minimum for teens) and 14 hours (for toddlers) EVERY DAY.

2. Do my children drink water or sugary drinks? (water hydrates, sugar lowers immunity)

3. Is everyone in the family getting adequate exercise or do you spend more time on the couch exercising your thumbs? (You know who you are ;))  Exercise strengthens muscles, improves circulation and makes you happy, among other benefits!

4. AND, how are you nourishing yours and your kids’ bodies?  WE ARE WHAT WE EAT, and our bodies’ ability to defend against illness starts with what we put into it!


We all try to get in as much nutrition as we can each day, but the reality is that it is often difficult (and expensive) to eat the quality and quantity of nutrients each day that our bodies require for optimal health.  Doctors and scientists tell us we should eat 7-13 servings of vegetables and fruit every day.  That’s each person in the family, not a total sum of all five of you 😉  That’s a LOT!


I am doing my best to get my teenage kids to go to bed earlier and to make good food choices.  But it’s a challenge at times.  As “insurance”, we eat Juice Plus every day.  It gives us 25 servings of fruits and vegetables (including 2 gluten-free grains).  By doing this simple act, with a full glass of water of course, I am insuring my body against outside bugs and viruses.  I am giving my childrens’ bodies everything they need to defend themselves against colds, flu or worse.  I am also saving a bunch of money from the lack of medical bills from doctor visits!


Yes, this is a shameless plug for Juice Plus, a product I believe in, promote and sell.  If you are curious about Juice Plus or want to talk about ways to stay healthier with your kids, call or write to me.

P.S.  Remember also that hand washing is your friend to keep germs away!

May it be the best school year yet! 🙂

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