STRONG. What do you think of when you read that? Do you feel strong every day? What does it mean to be strong? Merriam-Webster defines Strong as: 1. having or marked by great physical power, 2. having moral or intellectual power, 3. having great resources (as of wealth or talent). I think… Continue reading STRONG.
Author: Becky Heart
Goodbye 2012! Hello 2013 :)
Another year comes to a close. It’s a time for looking back. And LOOKING FORWARD. Are you making resolutions? Historically, I have not made a practice of it. I have always held a belief that New Year’s Resolutions were a way to set ourselves up for failure. I hadn’t heard stories of people telling… Continue reading Goodbye 2012! Hello 2013 🙂
Soul Longing
I live near the coast of California… And I have a dog named Buddy. Buddy likes to go everywhere that I go. You could say we’re a team. Buddy was a rescue, so we aren’t sure about his breed, but I call him a shih-tzu mix. He weighs about 12 pounds and has a… Continue reading Soul Longing
O Graceful Teachers
Today I found my peace. I discovered a new nursery. A nursery that specializes in native plants and trees that are not sprayed and that are native to our local environment. It was the most beautiful place! I wanted to sit on the edge of the path and stay there all day. As I… Continue reading O Graceful Teachers
Are You In The Moment?
I do Bikram Yoga. It’s also called “hot yoga”. It is called that because the class is conducted in a room that is heated to about 105 degrees. However, depending on the number of bodies in the class, and the time of day, the room can even be hotter. Bikram Yoga is one of… Continue reading Are You In The Moment?
What Is Wrong With Me?
This same question has popped up in more than one of my client sessions recently. “What is wrong with me?” Usually this is asked in the context of “I am not doing as much as the other guy” or “Why can’t I get it all done?” I mean why is it that I see women… Continue reading What Is Wrong With Me?
Sit Still Much?
Have you ever sat still by yourself and done nothing? I mean nothing. No TV, no reading, no talking, no sleeping, no crossword puzzles, really, nothing? If you have, then you know that place where time is irrelevant. Maybe you have heard a quiet voice whisper to you in that place. Is it God? … Continue reading Sit Still Much?
What’s Your Worldview?
Albert Einstein said that the most important question we will ever ask ourselves is this… “Is this a friendly universe?” I love Einstein! He was a genius. (Actually, he really was a genius!) I also love that question. It helps me put things into perspective. There are so many things that happen “to”… Continue reading What’s Your Worldview?